New York Ruins
A sample of sites that I visited during my August 2010 road trip. 
Some ruins, some not-so-ruins, and some not ruins at all.

Abandoned hotels.

Fully furnished. 

Who needs high-definition picture-in-picture when you can get a room with five TVs. 

It must be tempting not to operate those five TVs in your room on Shabos night. 


Fortunately a neighbor gave me a tour of this place. Walking around town with a backpack and a couple cameras in hand drew some attention. The man, a long-time resident of the village, said I must be a professional. I said no, I just do this as a hobby. He asked what I was shooting, and being careful to avoid using the "R" word or the "A" word, I said I liked the old hotels, especially those that had seen better days. He said "Oh, I've been photographing ruins for years! Would you like to see a real ruin?!" He then proceeded to introduce me to a fellow who was fixing up one establishment before showing me the way into the place pictured here. He played some piano too. After a look around the first floor, he said I was on my own.

I think the DANGER sign should go here.

More New York Ruins August 2010 - Page 5

Yaz’ Hudson Valley 
Ruins and Abandoned Buildings, etc.

Yaz’ Hudson Valley Ruins and Abandoned Buildings, etc.

E-mail Rob Yasinsac


This page copyright © 2010 by Robert J. Yasinsac. All rights reserved. 
Reproducing or copying photographs without the permission of Robert Yasinsac is prohibited.